Nov 20, 2007

OpenLearn 2007 - TESSA and an interesting typology (day 2)

Peter Bateman delivered an excellent talk about his typological approach for OER. Why such an approach, he asks? Well, a typology provides an analytical framework for investigating OER initiatives, and can provide a basis for devising an OER strategy. Quite useful, wouldn't you think?

'Knowledge' is becoming an increasingly important commodity in the economic, social and cultural development of a globalised world. As centres for innovation and the creation of knowledge, higher educational institutions in Africa must continually and progressively set the pace and direction for this development. Yet educational institutions and the ministries that support them struggle to enact the policies and processes that would facilitate Africa’s participation in the global ‘knowledge’ discourse. This paper suggests that, in the context of the limited resources available to Higher Education and Training institutions in Africa, evolving a Participatory Open Educational Resources Architecture has immense potential.

I will shortly sum up the main factors that make this typology. Peter describes four higher categories or components that constitute the OER evolutionary process. Each categorie is constituted by a sub-category, which has proporties, and these properties have dimensions. I desccribe the four main categories with their respective sub-categories... have a look at the paper or slides if you want to have a better understanding of it all.

  1. Creation; Authoring original OER/Interoperability & compliance to support remix/Collaborative processes for OER creation
  2. Organization; Governance & Management systems/Storage & Portal mechanisms/Institutional development/Sustainability/Research
  3. Dissemination; Sensitization/Delivery methods/Technical infrastructure/Packaging
  4. Utilization; Mechanism for updating & accessing OER/Using existing OER/Re-authoring & Re-purposing OER/Quality assurance mechanism/Accreditation of materials/Pedagogical models

He further explains a strategy for Higher Education in Sub Saharan Africa addressing 7 key components: research, pedagogy, technology support, sensitization, collaboration, capacity enhancement and training, and a policy framework.. Would this also count for Delft OCW or are other factors more important?

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